Visiting Mum's team in India
One of the best days of my life was visiting our artisans and their homes. Uttar Pradesh in India welcomed us with warmth. We traveled to Varanasi through Delhi and were treated like Royalty by our workshop leader Atif, who had arranged everything ready for our stay.
I was traveling with Stone Films from Turku. They are making a video of us. Artisans. Work. World which is one, which we all share.
Our rugs are handmade by adults, even old gentlemen, women, and kids may be kids. Kids may go to school. Their parents did not have a chance to do the same, when they were kids. Now they are most proud of heir children who learn to read and write.
Simple things really.
Things we do not often think, as we have always had a chance to go to school here in Finland anyway.
Koala wall hanging designed by Finnish Jenni Tuominen.
Outi's having a serious lesson: " How to weave IKIKORPI rug for Stockmann". Photo: Markus Vikainen/ Stone Films
Our artisan's kids. Artisans live in rural village away from the cities. Photo. Markus Vikainen / Stone Films
Baby is just two months old. I am rying to cover her eyes from the sun. Later on they painted her eyes wth some kind of make-up. Hindu's believe it protects the baby. Photo: Markus Vikainen/ Stone Films.
Thank You,
My very best,